BY Water and by SPirit
Acts 2:38-41
Baptism is a sacrament administered by the church as an act of God through the grace of
Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Confirmation is the practice of baptized believers publicly declaring their faith. In this process, they are received into the Church membership. Confirmation classes usually start at the age of 11 or 6th grade. Students engage in a six-month study of church history, sacraments, and faith tenants.
Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Confirmation is the practice of baptized believers publicly declaring their faith. In this process, they are received into the Church membership. Confirmation classes usually start at the age of 11 or 6th grade. Students engage in a six-month study of church history, sacraments, and faith tenants.

Baptism | Confirmation | Weddings | Burials
Baptism Ritual-2nd Sundays, Monthly
Baptism is available to persons of any age. Schedule your baptism with the church office. Your service will be assisted by the Altar Guild ministry. Family members are encouraged to attend this important moment in your journey. Welcome to the body of Faith!
Confirmation Classes - January thru July
Parents and students are invited to an information session on the second Sunday in December. Classes start in January and end with the Confirmation
ceremony in July.
ceremony in July.
Wedding Ceremonies
We celebrate with you on this holy faith journey. Couples are encouraged to register for premarital counseling and post-marriage tune-up with re-engage marriage studies.
Covenant Glen will walk with you during this time of loss. The ministry will aid in planning and grief counseling.